Karin Karinna Bühler

  Bildende Künstlerin und Informationswissenschaftlerin. Kritische Neugierde prägt meine Arbeit. Ich analysiere unsere Gesellschaft und hinterfrage die Art und Weise, wie wir mit Sprache, mit Geschichte und Geschlecht umgehen.  


La Maison de mon Rêve: a conversation

Conversation between Raimundas Malašauskas and Karin Karinna Bühler

Published in Robida 10 - on correspondences

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About dreams and imagination, the ambiguity of words and their use as an instrument of power; about how to handle narration as a grey zone activity and the importance of radical affection.

Raimundas Malašauskas (1973) is a
Lithuanian curator and author. Raimundas has
a distinctively reflexive approach to writing
and curating, drawing from various modes of
communication. He is concerned with the
complexity of the world at large, its multiple
meanings and the many (hi)stories it evokes.

Karin Karinna Bühler (1974) is a Swiss artist.
Karin’s work is characterised by her critical
curiosity. She analyses our society and
questions the way we deal with language,
history and gender and is always on the
lookout for hidden contexts that are highly
effective beneath the surface of the apparent